Monday, January 31, 2011

Too saucy?

I was told today that I may need to tone down my routines for Zumba. Apparently I have too much hip gyration and shimmying going on. I know I'm teaching in a church and I feel like I already try to keep things on a manageable level and I'm not too out there are overly sexualizing it. What do you think? I mean, Zumba is fun, energetic, and it's got some attitude. The hip movements and shimmying are all for a reason-not just to try and be sexy. The movements are used to work particular muslces and tone different areas. Maybe I just am more over the top than I thought I was. What do you guys think? Am I pushing the envelope too much for teaching in a church? Thanks for any input!


  1. i've seen it way more "saucy" in other places. i personally think you are fine. was it an official person asking you to tone it down? if it wasn't, then they can just not come.

  2. Charlotte, I don't know what to say except that whoever told you that is missing the point. We are mostly all women and quite a few mothers, and that means hips are an area we need work on. That is the part of the point of Zumba, and I feel great working that part of my body so hard. I don't think you need to worry one little bit about toning things down. You are doing a great job and all your "students" are benefiting from the classes. Don't let the negativity get you down, you are awesome!!

  3. I'm with Emily. Unless it was a church rep, asking you to tone it down because it's at church, you don't need to change a thing. I personally can't quite get eh hang of the shimmies, so I'd like to keep trying those!

  4. Zumba is about having fun while working out, not about being sexy! I think of shimmying as shaking my hips and shoulders, and hip movements as exactly that...moving my hips. You are a fun instructor and you bring high level energy to every session! Keep up the good work! Don't change a thing!

  5. OH my goodness...are you kidding me!?!?! Was it someone from church saying it or someone who has come to your class and can't do it themselves!?!?! Cuz that's STUPID...I don't think it's TOO much at all. Just part of the needs to continue so I can continue to twist my hips and shrink that area...and TRY to figure out the shimmy!! My arms and chest are getting SOMETHING is working. I say ignore that person...unless it is someone churchy as well...BLAH :) It's all ZUMBA and it's GREAT!!!

  6. When I started Zumba I was super awkward. I wouldn't shake anything infront of anybody. After watching Shelly I discovered she wasn't just shimmying, she was shaking her shoulders. When you use your shoulders, your chest shakes less, your biceps work harder, and you concentrate more on the muscles than the movement. When we started doing "telephone" I just thought we were doing pelvic thrusts. I was too shy to really do it. But when I really tried to crunch my abs, it changed from thrusting to a workout. I was much more comfortable doing the movements, when I thought of them as a workout. Perhaps if you explain why we are doing the movement and what we should be doing, maybe they would feel better. (You'll probably have to explain for every class because you always have new people, who are super nervous about shaking those shoulders.)
